Flexible announcement message bar with targeting options
Add single or multiple text announcement bars with links to promote your offers:
Broadcast includes target options to help you create and manage multiple announcement promotions and assign them to certain pages on your site. You can even build shorter messages for mobile devices while displaying a longer message for desktop browsers.
Use the Target options in the message block to fully customize the message experience for your customers:
The Target page feature allows you to build announcement bar messages that are only displayed on certain site pages. For example, you can use this to display customized messages for certain collections, products, blog posts, or other pages.
With the Target Referrer feature, you can display custom messages when a customer views your shop from an external marketing campaign.
The Target device feature displays custom announcement bar messages for mobile devices, such as shorter messages and custom longer messages for desktop users.
Learn more about Broadcast's target settings:
Announcement bar section settings and options
Broadcast includes several options to customize the announcement bar in the header area fully. You can choose from different styles like a slider or scrolling announcement bar and add rich blocks to enhance the promotional information for your customers:
The layout settings include an option to toggle a border and choose the style of the announcement bar to display.
Toggle the border option to help separate the announcement bar and the rest of the header content. This can be helpful when using a similar background for both the announcement bar and the header:
Choose between two message display styles:
The Slider option fades the current message out and fades in a new message when multiple message blocks are added. The "Autoplay speed" setting determines when messages rotate. Arrows can be displayed so customers can navigate through multiple messages.
The Scrolling text option auto-scrolls messages across the browser or device width, similar to a marquee effect. Use the "Autoplay speed" setting to adjust the scrolling speed. The "Space between the message" option increases or decreases the message gap.
Choose background and text colors for your announcement bar. Use a blank value for transparency.
Customize the top and bottom padding of the announcement bar.
Video overview of the different styles and settings to configure the Announcement bar in Broadcast:
Bring attention to timed promotions on your store
Broadcast includes a fully-featured countdown timer block for the announcement bar. Add the block to help highlight your flash sales and improve conversions.
After adding the countdown timer block, you can configure your flash sale's end date and time. Use the 12-hour format and then choose the AM/PM option:
This option will entirely hide the countdown timer block when the flash sale time has reached.
Note: In the Theme Customizer, the block will appear "dimmed" when the Hide block after the end of the timer option is selected and the sale time has ended.
This only appears in the Theme Customizer and not in your customers.
The entire block will be hidden in the announcement bar. Customers will only see other announcement bar messages or none if this is the only block.
Example of Theme Customizer "dimmed" version to indicate this block is not shown. However, you can still customize the time and details:
The End of timer message will replace the countdown clock with your message at the end of the sale:
Add a message about your flash sale in the text area. This message is displayed on the left side of the main countdown timer:
Dynamic message to encourage increased items per transaction
Broadcast includes a dynamic Free shipping message block where you can display an animated progress wheel and currency value to inform your customers how close they are to qualifying for free shipping:
The wheel fills up, and the value changes as items are added to the cart.
Use to encourage add-on sales and increased quantities.
Add the "Free shipping message" block to your announcement bar and customize the options and settings:
Use the Show progress wheel toggle to display or hide the animated circle effect:
You can modify the message in the Message area. The || amount ||
portion is the dynamic value you set in your Theme Settings -> Cart. Keep this custom shortcode and modify any text around it.
Example of a message modification:
To adjust the free shipping value, navigate to Theme settings and then choose Cart:
The cart drawer and announcement bar use the same setting value:
Optionally, you can customize the free shipping message information further using the Target page, Target referrer, and Target device settings.
For example, you limit the free shipping announcement bar message to appear only on certain pages:
You can also use a shorter message for mobile devices and a longer version for desktop browsers:
Use Custom code block to build custom announcement messages with HTML
Broadcast includes a custom code block to help you build customized messages with HTML and inline styles.
Build custom announcement messages and use targeting options to customize your promotions completely:
Example of custom code used in the above image:
Broadcast includes target options to help you display custom messages on certain site pages. Use the Target page feature to customize which announcement bar messages are displayed on various pages of your site.
With the Target Referrer feature, you can display custom messages when a customer views your shop from an external marketing campaign.
The Target device feature displays custom announcement bar messages for mobile devices, such as shorter messages and custom longer messages for desktop users.
Learn more about the target options in Broadcast: