Metafield editor
Feature introduced in Broadcast 3.5
The first required metafield is theme.sibling_color
For the content type, select 'Single line text' and choose the 'One value' option.
The metafield is also used for the swatch label. This will help with identifying the color version of the current product:
Start by defining a Product metafield. You can name it 'Sibling Color' so that you can more easily find it later.
Important step: Change the Namespace from custom to theme.
Adding a description is optional but be sure to select the correct content type. Choose 'Single line text' and set it to 'One value':
Save the definition.
Your final metafield should look like this:
Please ensure you change the Namespace and key to this custom version for Broadcast:
By default, the namespace begins with 'custom'. This namespace will not be recognized by Broadcast. You have to change it to 'theme'.
This is a good distinction to make and it helps keep your store, custom, theme, and app metafields separate.
We require a second metafield to be defined: